
Wednesday, August 4

Hi, I’m Marie Packard.  Our kids are not much different than yours.  They love to watch videos.   That’s why we made the Kids Ten Commandments video.  We wanted our kids to learn right from wrong.  My husband and I are Christians and we enjoy praying together.  God impressed on us over the years that we, as parents, needed to teach our kids the Ten Commandments.    At first we couldn’t say them in order ourselves.  Nor could we confidently tell you that ‘Do Not Steal’ was Commandment number 8.  But that all changed when we learned a simple rhyme developed by a memory expert named Jerry Lucas.  

We learned the rhyme ourselves, then taught it to our daughters Bailey and Holly who were 8 and 10 at the time.  Over the last 10 years we have been amazed at how the Ten Commandments have been the solid foundation for teaching and enforcing moral behavior in our girls.   They have told us how many of their Christian friends do stuff like lie to their parents on a regular basis.  Being truthful with us is an important value our girls cherish.  And the girls say it all started with learning Commandment 9 and why truthfulness is so important to God.  

Today our girls are 15 and 17 and we have two sons, 3 and 5 years old.   To introduce the boys to the Ten Commandments at a younger age we made a video to help them see it as well as hear it.   We have found that even very young children can begin learning the commandments this way.  Which makes helping the boys learn right from wrong so much easier.   We think the sooner we can begin connecting God’s Word to everyday situations in life, the better off our kids will be.   Please show the video to your kids and let us know how it works.    Email me at the address below if you'd like a DVD instead. I think they are like $10 plus shipping through one of my husband's distributors.

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